SUM tool error regarding sapcontrol service When faced with this error, please edit the following file and restart. # File Location /sdt/param/jump_config.txt Edit the last parameter value (/sapstartsrv/httpsconnection) from true to false and execute the step again. IT/SAP 2014.08.04
[해외직구 #1] 관세청 개인통관고유부호 받기 알사람은 다 알겠지만 올 8월4일부터는 통관시 주민번호 대신에 관세청에서 관리하는 개인통관고유부호를 이용하여야 한다. 이에 개인통관고유부호를 발급 받는 방법을 설명합니다. 1. 관세청 유니패스 사이트 이동 - 2. 설치하라는 ActiveX들 다 설치하고...(좀 많다...) 우측 하단의 개인통관고유부호신청 클릭 ※ 회원가입은 안해도 되지만 공인인증서는 필요함 2. 이름과 주민번호 입력하고 확인 3. 필요한 정보를 입력 후 등록하면 상단에 고유번호가 뜬다. 참 쉽죠??? 다음 포스팅은 배대지등록 및 아마존 가입하기를 하겠습니다. 궁금한 내용이 있으면 댓글 문의 바랍니다. 정보 2014.07.31
Solman 7.1 ABAP Dump MOVE_CAST_ERROR Ref. Notes 1976072 - solman 7.1 system continuously getting MOVE_CAST_ERROR Symptom There are numerous dumps on the Solman System of the following type: Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors MOVE_CAST_ERROR Except. CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR ABAP Program CL_DSMOP_BSP_NOTI_MODEL=======CP Environment SAP Solution Manager 7.1 Reproducing the Issue It is not known what actions led to the dump ge.. IT/SAP 2014.07.01
88416 - Zero administration memory management for the ABAP server Released On 2014.02.25 22:52:39 Release Status Released for Customer Component BC-OP-NT Windows BC-INS-NT Installation Windows Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category Special development For more information, please refer to the attached file IT/SAP 2014.06.30
2023163 - Downloading multispanning TAR archives 2023163 - Downloading multispanning TAR archives Symptom An archive is in TAR multispanning format. Other Terms linux tar Reason and Prerequisites For multispanning archives, there are archives that are distributed to several files. If the info and tar programs are properly installed at your Linux server, the command info tar should give you access to the manual. Solution Download all archive fi.. IT/SAP 2014.06.03
Adding SWAP file for Linux 1. dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=10485760 # 10G2. mkswap /swapfile3. swapon /swapfile IT/SAP 2014.05.03
오라클 테이블스페이스 사용량 조회 1. Redo Log Usage col MEMBER format a40 SELECT, l.bytes/(1024*1024) AS "MEGA", l.status, f.member FROM v$log l, v$logfile f WHERE =; 2. DATA Tablespace Usage SELECT A.TABLESPACE_NAME AS "TABLESPACE" , A.BYTES / 1024 / 1024 AS "TOTAL(MB)" , (A.BYTES - NVL(B.FREEBYTES,0)) / 1024 / 1024 AS "Used(MB)" , NVL(B.FREEBYTES,0) / 1024 / 1024 AS "Free(MB)" , ROUND(NVL(B.FREEBYTES.. IT/Database 2014.04.22
1134948 - ABAP Migration Key for special installation numbers Installation number: INITIAL Migration Key: 1G5fdEM504qIrBzjt6TE5Pae Installation number: FINALASSEM Migration Key: 1G5fdEM504qFs2iKufTZmf4H Installation number: SAP-INTERN Migration Key: 1G5fdEM504qSq3egt6h]pGhK Installation number: 0000000000 Migration Key: 1G5fdEM504p01eetdaQ91Qa5 Keys valid until 31 of December, 2020. ;-) IT/SAP 2014.04.22
쉐보레 크루즈 필터 교환 DIY 엔진룸 에어 필터 교환 - 에어컨 필터 교환 - 조만간 직접하면서 사진 찍어야짐 정보 2014.01.13